Date: Tue, 28 Jun 94 04:30:17 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #210 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Tue, 28 Jun 94 Volume 94 : Issue 210 Today's Topics: 9600 baud modem designs Compiling JNOS with BC++ v4? GPS group purchase shutdown JVFAX Version???? Kantronics 9600 baud TNC... TAPR Internet Update Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 27 Jun 94 10:48:10 GMT From: Subject: 9600 baud modem designs To: >I want to add a 9600 modem to my TNC (a TNC2 type clone). Where might I find >information on such modems ? (I'd like to build not buy if possible) >Many thanks >David Hutchinson (G8SQH) TAPR has a 9600 bps modem in kit form whic will plug into the disconnect header on the TNC-2 circuit board. It can be used with a switch to go between 1200 and 9600. The kit price is $80 US plus shipping. For shipping info or to place an order, contact: Tucson Amateur Packet Radio 8987-309 E Tanque Verde Rd #337 * Tucson, Az * 85732 Office (817) 383-0000 * Fax (817) 566-2544 Internet e-mail: 73 de Bob ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Jun 94 00:51:20 -0500 From:!!!gumby!wupost!psuvax1!!!!!! Subject: Compiling JNOS with BC++ v4? To: Hi Greg; I'm somewhat relieved to find I'm not the only one encountering dificulty compiling JNOS under Borland C++ ver. 4.0... Like yourself, I too have resorted to using version 3.1 to compile JNOS. It occurs to me that a possible solution would be to construct an IDE project file for compilationunder ver. 4.0, an enormous task. Whats more, ver. 4.0 IDE will not debug a dos program dirrectly, and would require the use of the Borland In any event, if you should discover a better way, I really appreciate hearing from you. If I come up with anything, I gladly let you know. - 73 - Thom, N2CBV ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jun 1994 17:25:53 GMT From:!!!!! Subject: GPS group purchase shutdown To: Greetings, all. As I have not achieved critical mass in the number of orders for the Motorola GPS engines, I am shutting down the group purchase. I am on vacation for the next two weeks. If, upon returning, there has not been enough orders received to reach the magic 100 mark, I will be returning the checks to those who have sent them to me, and discontinuing any efforts in this area. As of now, I have orders for about 35 units. For those of you interested, that's about $13,000 sitting on my desk. Thanks for your time, efforts and wonderful interest in this matter. Regards, Tom Bonomo ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jun 94 23:38:54 -0500 From:!!! Subject: JVFAX Version???? To: What is the current version of JVFAX? I am currently running 6.0 with a supplement released in around February, 1994. Is this the current verision or is there a newer one? Thanks for your help. 73 Dave N8CLF darutter @ ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jun 1994 09:54:20 -0400 From:!usc!!!!! Subject: Kantronics 9600 baud TNC... To: I'd like any feedback on the new Kantronics 9600 baud TNC (how'd it work 2M, 440; is it truly 9600baud ready, etc...). Thanks Andy N3LCW ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jun 1994 19:20:38 GMT From:!swrinde!!!! Subject: TAPR Internet Update To: SB TAPR @ TAPR $TAPR627.001 NEWS: TAPR Internet Update Please use BID: $TAPR627.001 Tucson Amateur Packet Radio June 27th, 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TAPR INTERNET INFORMATION - UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TAPR SIG Archives The TAPR SIG mail exchange archives are being made available via FTP access. system: ( directory: tapr/SIG ----------------- TAPR Internet Mail Groups TAPR's SIG groups are very active and all are welcome. Current mail groups include: o BBSSIG is the mail group for the BBS Special Interest Group o NETSIG is the mail group for the Network Special Interest Group o TAPR-BB is the mail group for TAPR bulletins. To subscribe to these lists, send mail to '', include in the message body the command: join groupname Example: join bbssig join netsig join tapr-bb When you get tired of one of these groups the command to remove yourself is: unjoin groupname Example: unjoin bbssig To get more information, send Internet mail to '' and include in the message of the body the command 'help'. ----- TAPR FILE SERVER The orginal TAPR file server remains on-line and available for use. '' can be used to access TAPR's file system. The electronic issue of the PSR (Packet Status Regiester) is now being made available via the server as a file. If your club editor is looking for packet articles and information to republish this is a great source. To get more information, send Internet mail to '' and include in the message of the body the command 'help'. ----- FTP Access The TAPR Software Library is available via anonymous FTP. You can access the library by ftp access to '' in the directory pub/hamradio/tapr. Login in as 'anonymous', with a password of 'your_account@internet_address'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tucson Amateur Packet Radio 8987-309 E Tanque Verde Rd #337 * Tucson, Az * 85749-9399 * 817-383-0000 /EX ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #210 ******************************